All posts by Ansh Obecure

Home Articles posted by Ansh Obecure (Page 7)

મેટાબોલિક સર્જરી અથવા ડાયાબિટીસ માટે સર્જરી: શું તે ડાયાબિટીસનો ઈલાજ હોઈ શકે છે?

September 21, 2023 By Ansh Obecure In Health
Surgery for Diabetes
દરરોજ દવા ખાવી પડે છે અને ઈન્જેકશન્સ પીછો નથી છોડતા. દિવસની શરૂઆત મોળી ચા- કોફીથી કરવી પડે છે. કેવી રીતે ડાયાબિટીસ ન...

How is Bariatric surgery relevant to Surgery For Diabetes?

August 12, 2023 By Ansh Obecure In Bariatric Surgery
Surgery for Diabetes
Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, has transcended its conventional purpose of weight reduction, revealing a symbiotic relationship with patients with type 2 diabetes. This article elucidates the interconnectedness between weight loss surgery and diabetes care, underscoring their ...

What are the 5 main causes of obesity?

July 12, 2023 By Ansh Obecure In Weight Loss
Obesity Surgery in Ahmedabad
In a world where weight concerns, including the need for obesity surgery, have become increasingly burdensome, it’s important to explore the complex nature of obesity—a condition that occurs when a person’s weight is higher than what’s considered healthy for their height. This is...